Heavy Construction

The Allen and Greenough is still under construction; so some links may not work quite the way you would expect.


One adjective may belong in sense to two or more nouns of different genders. In such cases, -

1. An Attributive Adjective agrees with the nearest noun: -

2. A Predicate Adjective may agree with the nearest noun, if the nouns form one connected idea: -

NOTE: This is only when the copula agrees with the nearest subject (§ 317. c).

3. But generally, a Predicate Adjective will be masculine, if nouns of different genders mean living beings; neuter, if things without life: -

4. If nouns of different genders include both living beings and things without life, a Predicate Adjective is sometimes masculine (or feminine), sometimes neuter, and Sometimes agrees in gender with the nearest if that is plural: -

a. Two or more abstract nouns of the same gender may have a Predicate Adjective in the neuter plural (cf § 289. c): -