Finland For Friends & Family Travel

Finland Day 3, Walking to work

Walking to work this morning I saw this statue – three guys working iron buck naked. I don’t care if that’s hot or cold worked bar stock they are pounding on – that’s going to get painful in places every metal working I have ever met cares about deeply, and fast! Who made this statue and why are these guys naked?



The other thing I kept finding on the walk to work was beautiful little details on the older buildings. The embossed trees on this building a fairly typical example:


There is actually a lot of detail there for no other purpose (that I can see) other than it looks nice. There are details like that on the inside hallways of some of the older buildings as well.

This has to be my favorite building so far. Tiny little factory, that has long since been repurposed and had the new city grow up around it. Stubborn little guy.


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