The OnHand / Ruputer Core

All images are pictured against a 1cm grid.
First remove the electronics core from the watch.
There are pads on either side of the watch to provide serial and IrDA connectivity.
There are 4 buttons on the watch. One on the side with the serial pins for Filter/Time selection and three more on the opposite side of the watch for Enter, Back light, and Menu.
The topmost and center circuit boards are electrically connected by 8 small springs. The landings for the springs is being pointed out in the images, left.
The central part of the core breaks down into the main electronics board and the screen; pictured left and below. Interestingly the watch uses an off the shelf screen but not used its LCD cable. Instead the LCD is accessed through a series of PCB pads on the module and the cable is tucked into the interior of the watch.
There are 4 chips on the watch that are epoxy boned to the circuit board and are thus unidentifiable. On the other side of the bord however there are three chips: (S351D,AFD86,1924), (D353-C, DAMAF, 9817), and (SEC Korea 825, KM29V1600DATS, QPK017BC).

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