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Iambic Trimeter.


The Iambic Trimeter is the ordinary verse of dramatic dialogue. It consists of three measures, each containing a double iambus (iambic dipody). The caesura is usually in the third foot.

> - - | > || - - | > - -

NOTE: The sign > - denotes possible substitution of an irrational spondee (> -) for an iambus ( -).

a. The Iambic Trimeter is often used in lyric poetry (1) as an independent system, or (2) alternating with the Dimeter to form the Iambic Strophe, as follows: -


(1) iam iam effica |c=i || do manus | scientiae

supplex et o|r=o || regna per | Proserpinae,

per et Dia|nae || non moven|da numina,

per atque lib|r=os || carminum | valentium

d=efixa cae|l=o || devoca|re sidera,

Canidia, par|ce || vocibus | tandem sacris,

citumque ret|ro || retro sol|ve turbinem. - Hor. Epod. 17.


The last two lines may be thus translated, to show the movement in English: -


Oh! stay, Canidia, stay thy rites of sorcery,

Thy charm unbinding backward let thy swift wheel fly!



(2) beatus il|le || (2) qui procul | (2) negotiis,

ut prisca gens | mortalium,

paterna ru|ra || bubus ex|ercet suis,

solutus om|n=i fenore;

neque excita|tur || classico | m=iles truci,

neque horret i|r=atum mare. - Hor. Epod. 2.


b. In the stricter form of Iambic Trimeter an irrational spondee ( > -) or its equivalent (a cyclic anapaest - or an apparent dactyl > § 609. e) may be regularly substituted for the first iambus of any dipody. A tribrach ( ) may stand for an iambus anywhere except in the last place. In the comic poets any of these forms or the proceleusmatic ( ) may be substituted in any foot except the last: - [1][The greater freedom of substitution in the comedy is due to the fact that the verse is regarded as made up of separate feet rather than of dipodies.]


=o lucis al|me rector || et | caeli decus !

qui alterna cur|r=u spatia || flam|mifero ambi=ens,

illustre lae|t=is || exseris | terris caput.

- Sen. Herc. Fur. 592 - 94.



quid quaeris ? an|n=os || sex=agin|t=a natus es.

- Ter. Haut. 62.



homo sum: h=uma|n=i || nil =a me ali| =enum puto.

vel me mone | re h=oc || vel percon|t=ari puta.

- id. 77, 78.


c. The Choliambic (lame Iambic) substitutes a trochee for the last iambus: -

|| > - - | > || - - | - - ||


aeque est bea|tus || ac poe|ma cum scribit:

tam gaudet in | s=e, || tamque se ip|se miratur.

- Catull. xxiii. 15, 16.


NOTE: The verse may also be regarded as trochaic with anacrusis: as, -

> - - > | - - | -

d. The Iambic Trimeter Catalectic is represented as follows: -

|| > - - | > || - - | > - ||

It is used in combination with other measures (see § 626. 11), and is shown in the following: -


Vulcanus ar|d=ens || urit of|fici as. - Hor. Od. i. 4.


or in English: -


On purple peaks a deeper shade descending. - Scott.
