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Perfects and Perfect Participles.


Perfects and Perfect Participles of two syllables have the first syllable long: as, iúví, iútum (iuvó), vídí, vísum (videó); fúgí (fugió); véní (venió).

Exceptions. - bibí, dedí, fidí, scidí, stetí, stití, tulí; citum, datum, itum, litum, quitum, ratum, rutum, satum, situm, statum. In some compounds of stó, státum is found (long), as praestátum.

a. In reduplicated perfects the vowel of the reduplication is short; the vowel of the following syllable is, also, usually short: as, cecidí (cadó), didicí (discó), pupugí (pungó), cucurrí (curró), tetendí (tendó), momordí (mordeó). But cecídí from caedó, pepédí from pédó.