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Case-Forms in the Second Declension.

49. a. The Locative form of this declension ends fro the singular in -í: as, humí, on the ground; Corinthí, at Corinth; for the plural, in -ís: as, Phillipís, at Phillipi (cf. § 80, footnote).

b. The genitive of nouns in -ius or -ium ended, until the Augustan Age, in a single -í: as, fílí, of a son; Pompêí, of Pompey (Pompêius); but the accent of the nominative is retained: as, inge'ní, of genius.[1][The genitive in -ií occurs once in Vergil, and constantly in Ovid, but was probably unknown to Cicero.]

c. Proper names in -ius have in the vocative, retaining the accent of the nominative: as, Vergi'lí. So also, fílius, son; genius, divine guardian: as, audí, mí fílí, hear, my son.

Adjectives in -ius form the vocative in -ie, and some of these are occasionally used as nouns: as, Lacedemonie, O Spartan.

NOTE: Greek names in -íus have the vocative in -íe: as, Lyrcíus, vocative Lyrcíe.

d. The genitive plural often has -um or (after v) -om (cf. § 6. a) instead of -órum, especially in the poets: as, deum, superum, dívom, of the gods; virum, of men. Also in compounds of vit, and in many words of money, measure, and weight: as, Sévirum, of the Seviri; nummum, of coins; iúgerum, of acres.

e. The original ending of the ablative singular (-ód) is sometimes found in early Latin: as, Gnaivód (later, Gnaeó), Cneius.

f. Proper names in -âius, -êius, -ôius (as, Aurunculêius, Bôí, are declined like Pompêius.

g. Deus (M.), god, is this declined: -

o to 59ptSINGULAR to 1in PLURAL
o to 59pt NOM. deus to 1in deí (dií), dí
o to 59ptGEN. deí to 1in deórum, deum
o to 59ptDAT. deó to 1in deís, (diís) dís
o to 59ptACC. deum to 1in deós
o to 59ptABL. deó to 1in deís, (diís) dís

NOTE: The vocative singular of deus does not occur in classic Latin, but is said to have been dee; deus (like the nominative) occurs in the Vulgate. For the genitive plural, dívum or dívom (from dívus, divine) is often used.


The following stems in ero-, in which e belongs to the stem, retain the e throughout and are declined like puer47): -

Also, the adjective líber, free, of which líberí, children, is the plural (§ 111. a), and compounds in -fer and -ger (stem fero-, gero-): as, lúcifer, morning-star; armiger, squire.

a. An old nominative socerus occurs. So vocative puere, boy, as if from ¥puerus (regularly puer).

b. Vir, man, has genitive virí; the adjective satur, sated, has saturí; vesper, evening, has ablative vespere (locative vesperí, in the evening).

c. Mulciber, Venus, has -berí and -brí in the genitive. The barbaric names Hibér and Celtibér retain é throughout.