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Other constructions are sometimes found where the dative might be expected: -

a. Adjectives of fitness or use take oftener the Accusative with ad to denote the purpose or end; but regularly the Dative of persons: -

b. Adjectives and nouns of inclination and the like may take the Accusative with in or ergá: -

c. Some adjectives of likeness, nearness, belonging, and a few others, ordinarily requiring the Dative, often take the Possessive Genitive: - [1][Such are aequális, affínis, aliénus, amícus, cógnátus, commúnis, cónsanguineus, contrárius, dispár, familiáris, fínitimus, inimícus, necessárius, pár, pecúliáris, propinquus, proprius (regularly genitive), sacer, similis, superstes, vícínus.]

1. The genitive is especially used with these adjectives when they are used wholly or approximately as nouns: -

2. After similis, like, the genitive is more common in early writers. Cicero regularly uses the genitive of persons, and either the genitive or the dative of things. With personal pronouns the genitive is regular (meí, tuí, etc.), and also in vérí similis, probable: -

NOTE: The genitive in this construction is not objective like those in § 349, but possessive (cf. § 343).

For the dative of Accusative with proprior, proximus, proprius, proximé, see § 432. a.