Heavy Construction

The Allen and Greenough is still under construction; so some links may not work quite the way you would expect.


Adjectives of various meanings, but signifying in general made of or belonging to, are formed from nouns by means of the suffixes -

-eus, -ius, -áceus, -ícius, -áneus (-neus), -ticus aur-eus, golden;
patr-ius, paternal; pater, a father.
uxór-ius, uxorious; uxor, a wife.
ros-áceus, of roses; rosa, a rose.
later-ícius, of brick; later, a brick.
praesent-áneus, operating instantly; praeséns, present.
extr-áneus, external; extrá, without.
subterr-áneus, subterranean; sub terrá, underground.
salíg-neus, of willow; salix, willow.
volá-ticus, winged (volátus, a flight); voláre, to fly.
domes-ticus, of the house, domestic; domus, a house.
silvá-ticus, sylvan; silva, a wood.

NOTE: -ius is originally primitive (§ 234. II. 11); -eus corresponds to Greek -o , -o , and has lost a y-sound (cf. yo-, § 234. II. 11): -ícius and -áceus are formed by adding -ius and -eus to stems in í-c-, á-c- (suffix ko-, § 234. II. 12); -neus is no- -eus (§ 234. II. 4); -áneus is formed by adding -neus to á-stems; -ticus is a formation with -cus (cf. hosti-cus with silvá-ticus), and has been affected by the analogy of participial stems in to- (nominative -tus).