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The Moods are used as follows: -

a. The Indicative Mood is used for most direct assertions and interrogations: as, - valésne ? valeó, are you well? I am well.

b. The Subjunctive Mood has many idiomatic uses, as in commands, conditions, and various dependent clauses. It is often translated by the English Indicative; frequently by means of the auxiliaries may, might, would, should;[1][The Latin uses the subjunctive in many cases where we use the indicative; and we use a colorless auxiliary in many cases where the Latin employs a separate verb with more definite meaning. Thus, I may write is often not scríbam (subjunctive), but licet mihi scríbere; I can write is possum scríbere; I would write is scríbam, scríberem, or scríbere velim (vellem); I should write, (if, etc.), scríberem (sí) ..., or (implying duty) oportet mé scríbere.] sometimes by the (rare) Subjunctive; sometimes by the Infinitive; and often by the Imperative, especially in prohibitions. A few characteristic examples of its use are the following: -

c. The Imperative is used for exhortation, entreaty, or command; but the Subjunctive is often used instead (§§ 439, 450): -

d. The Infinitive is used chiefly as an indeclinable noun, as the subject or complement of another verb (§§ 452, 456. N.). In special constructions i[QUERY] takes the place of the Indicative, and may be translated by that mood i[QUERY] English (see Indirect Discourse, § 580 ff.).

NOTE: For the Syntax of the Moods, see § 436 ff.