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Many nouns are found in the Plural in a peculiar sense: -

aedés, -is (F.), temple; aedés, -ium, house.
aqua (F.), water; aquae, mineral springs, a watering-plac[QUERY].
auxilium (N.), help; auxilia, auxiliaries.
bonum (N.), a good; bona, goods, property.
carcer (M.), dungeon; carcerés, barriers (of race-course).
castrum (N.), fort; castra, camp.
comitium (N.), place of assembly; comitia, an election (town-meeting).
cópia (F.), plenty; cópiae, stores, troops.
fidés (F.), harp-string; fidés, lyre.
finis (M.), end; finés, bounds, territories.
fortúna (F.), fortune; fortúnae, possessions.
grátia (F.), favor (rarely, thanks); grátiae, thanks (also, the Graces).
hortus (M.), a garden; hortí, pleasure-grounds.
impedímentum (N.) hindrance; impedímenta, baggage.
littera (F.), letter (of alphabet); litterae, epistle, literature.
locus (M.), place [plural loca (N.)]; locí,[1][In early writers the regular plural.] topics, places in books.
lúdus (M.), sport; lúdí, public games.
mós (M.), habit, custom; mórés, character.
nátális (M.), birthday; nátálés, descent, origin.
opera (F.), work; operae, day-laborers (``hands'').
[ops,] opis (F.), help (§ 103. f. 1); opés, resources, wealth.
pars (F.), part; partés, part (on the stage), party.
róstrum (N.), beak of a ship; róstra, speaker's platform.
sál (M. or N.), salt; salés, witticisms.
tabella (F.), tablet; tabellae, documents, records.