For Friends & Family Quotes

The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog

I just found out my nephew had never seen Monty Python’s Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog sketch! Posting it here to share with him, everyone else – enjoy!

Follow. But! Follow only if ye be men of valor! For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel, that no man yet has fought with it… and lived! BONES of full fifty men lie *strewn* about its lair! So! Brave knights! If you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth…

For Friends & Family I am going to try Science!

Science Fair Ideas

[This ones for my nephew]


Here are some examples of the robotic jamming actuators I was talking about. The actuator is a ballon filled with coffee grounds. Then when they pull all the air out of the ballon, it squeezes the granules of coffee together, and it becomes solid. The actuator works by pushing it up against an object to pick up while it is soft. Then drawing out the air to harden the actuator. This traps that part letting you pick the part up.

Here is a home build version that uses a syringe, a ballon, a funnel and some tubing to make the actuator. The syringe is used to pull out the air.

This is another home build jamming actuator, but instead of a syringe they use a home vacuum to draw out the air.

It would be a lot of work, but you could build a robotic arm sort of like this one, but with a jamming actuator as opposed to the gripper you can see in the video. If you liked this idea, if you drew up plans I can print them for you.

If you like the arms, but don’t like the jamming actuators check this out. These guys made arms from syringes and popsicle sticks, then had them fight in a robot arm sumo matches!

More details on these arms here: Hydrolic-JudoBots

If we designed a version of this type of arm to be printed, I could make you enough parst for two arms. Then you could wrestle them with your friends.

For Friends & Family

The great squirt gun wars…

So if there was ever a clear example of why you need to be careful what you say to kids this has to be it. I was washing my truck with my nephew, and he turns to me and says:

Nephew: “This must be so traumatic for you!”

Me: “What? Why?”

Nephew: “Because you lost your other 12 brothers in the great squirt gun wars when they started using pressure washers.”

Me: “Your weird. How did you come up with that?”

Nephew: “You told me. Last summer. When we were pressure washing the deck.”

I know he did not think I used to have a bunch more brothers – but wow. I definitely need to watch what I tell him.

For Friends & Family

So what is my occupation?

Filling out some forms for Finnish taxes, in pen, I caught myself just in time before listing my occupation as “Enginerd”. Apparently I really need to stop telling people that is what I am when they ask what I do.

For Friends & Family Travel

A thorough retaliation, served up 25 years later….

I woke up this morning to the following email from my dad.

You said, ‘if you are going to drink whiskey, drink the best you can afford.” So, thank you. I am drinking the best you can afford.

Love Dad

And that is what happens when your dad gets access to your liquor cabinet and you are on the other side of the planet and can not stop the inevitable. It took him 25 years, but his revenge for my teenage raids on his alcohol supply was both thorough and proportionate. Well-played dad.

Finland For Friends & Family Travel

Kaivopuisto Airshow – June 9th, 2017

A friend here let me tag along when he took his family out to the airshow. We walked down to the harbor, and watched planes of all vintages and models tear up the sky for 3 hours. There were tens of thousands of people there, and it was awesome.

There was a lot of amazing planes to see – but for my money the biggest showoff of the night was the pilot of the Airbus A350. He came in so slow and low his entire instrument panel must have been lit up red and screaming at him. Then after taking what could only be called leisurely laps, he slowly wiggled his wings and flew off. It was like watching a bear doing ballet, but good ballet. Your brain just didn’t know what to make of it.

My mouth was hanging open during his lower fly-bys but here is the airbuss. The seagulls were thoroughly unimpressed by all the planes.


Later when the Euro-fighter or the Saab 35 Draken were flying they were definitely faster, more agile, and in every way the owners of the sky still – hard to forget someone flying an airbus in a way I want to describe as languid. The Draken did make good use of that afterburner though, that sucker was loud!


The red arrows came screaming in with 9 planes and spent like 20 minutes making alternating between making you think they were going to crash into each other, or literally telling stories in the sky with smoke trails. At one point – two of them drew a giant heart, while a third turned his smoke trail on and off to put an arrow through it. Totally bad ass flying.


All in all this was a lovely Friday night. Unfortunately the drugs I was taking for my jet lag and for my cold both wore off on the way back from the show. My friends wife is a delightful woman, and I recall having an interesting conversation with her, but the last 10 minutes of it are a total blank. I was just shot. I needed to run some tests while I had the office to myself though – so I went out for Rammen before hitting work again. Thats when I discovered another Gin and tonic mystery garnish – basil leaf served mulled like in a Mohito. Have people been drinking their Gin and tonics like this all along? Maybe it is just living in Australia for so long – but I have always been a lime wedge and good jin and quality tonic or nothing guy. Finland’s doing its best to convert me though.


Finland For Friends & Family Travel

American Burger!

I went to a shop up the road from the office to buy something quick for lunch, and saw this
– American Burger!


Finland For Friends & Family Travel

Finland Day 3, Walking to work

Walking to work this morning I saw this statue – three guys working iron buck naked. I don’t care if that’s hot or cold worked bar stock they are pounding on – that’s going to get painful in places every metal working I have ever met cares about deeply, and fast! Who made this statue and why are these guys naked?



The other thing I kept finding on the walk to work was beautiful little details on the older buildings. The embossed trees on this building a fairly typical example:


There is actually a lot of detail there for no other purpose (that I can see) other than it looks nice. There are details like that on the inside hallways of some of the older buildings as well.

This has to be my favorite building so far. Tiny little factory, that has long since been repurposed and had the new city grow up around it. Stubborn little guy.


For Friends & Family

Finland, take off your shoes!

[This is a post for my nephew and my friends kids. ]


Finland gets a lot of snow in the wintertime. As a result they take off their shoes when entering someplace like a home, or an office. The practice continues even in the summer time. Here is a picture of the office front door on a typical morning.


A lot of homes and apartments even have small hallways as you enter the home for removing coats and shoes. The best part of this is that it means everyone is running around the office in his or her socks. Which on hardwood floors makes for some fun high speed cornering when you are in a hurry.

I may or may not have been seen sliding across the polished wood floors, arms wind milling like a madman.

Finland For Friends & Family Travel

The death of civility in America?

I hope it will pass but the last two years of politics in the US seems to have everyone worn down, picking sides, and yelling at each other. It is uncommon back home for people to just listen to other people anymore, but I did not realize how bad it had gotten until I got outside the system for a few days.

Last night I watched two people in the Lobby of the hotel I was staying in have an argument. Both were obviously furious based on suppressed body language – but neither raised their voice, spoke over the other person, or failed to listen to what they had to say. They went back and forth in a pattern of “this is my argument” and “ahh, but this is why I disagree, this is my argument” several times. You could tell they were listening to the other person, as their counter arguments addressed points the other had just raised. Then when they started to repeat one of them said – “I am sorry, but you have not convinced me – unless you have a new argument we are at an impasse”. They both walked away pissed, but they resolved the issue and they whole thing was incredibly civil, and polite.

It took me a while to realize that I was waiting for one of them to start yelling, or to totally loose it, because that had become sometime in the last two years that had become a, well not acceptable option, but certainly one you were likely to encounter frequently.