Cloister's Trading Card Price Lists
June 28, 2000
I'm retiring. You heard it here first.
This week's list will be the last pricelist that I publish. Click on
the link to learn more.
Update: 08/17/00. Robert Kerr of England send me a bugfix for my pricelist
software. I have updated the distribution to include the fix, so if you
downloaded my software previous to July 17th, you might want to get the updated package...
Other Pricelist Sites
Hopefully, people will click on the above link, download my software,
and set up their own pricelist websites. If they do, and they let me
know about it, I'll post links to their sites here. My goal is to, as
smoothly as possible, transition to other people having primary
responsibility for making and publishing weekly pricelists.
- added 7/20/00:
Way to go, guys! Congratulations on being the first to set up a new pricelist
site! This site includes a mobile channel for you AvantGo users, at
- added 7/24/00: Robert
Kerr's Pricelist Page. Check out Robert's site; he has been very diligent
in communicating with me to properly understand how to use my software, and
has worked very hard to set things up in such a way as to produce the most
correct lists he can.
Pricelist Related Software
People who actually do download my software and play with it have found
themselves writing some other tools to help them along. Some of them have
been (or will be shortly, so they promise me) nice enough to contribute their
tools to the cause, so I can make them available at a central location for the
greater good of the pricelist community. That
central location is here. Click away, and download to your heart's
The old page you knew and loved:
Below the following hrule is everything from my original pricelist
page. Don't expect anything below this line to change. Ever.
This is my page for all stuff relating to my pricelists for Magic: the
Gathering. I used to do lists for Jyhad: The Eternal Struggle, and
Star Trek: the Collectable Card Game, too, but I don't anymore.
Demand for those lists was never overwhelming, nor was the data from
which to make them.
First, let me say that the answers to your questions are all here on
these web pages somewhere. It's been a long long time since anyone
asked me something that wasn't already posted here. If you ask me
something that's in the News and Announcements, in the FAQ, or in any
of the other pages here, odds are poor that you'll get a response
other than a relevant URL from me, if you get a response at all. I
don't mean to be rude, but I'm really just fed up with questions from
people who were too lazy to read these web pages before sending me mail.
Note that I do not buy, sell, or trade these
cards myself. People keep sending me mail asking if I'd like to buy
theirs, or if they can buy mine, and I'm getting tired of telling them
I can't. So that's it, folks. That's the whole story. Stop asking
already, and go visit the Organized Comprehensive Magic Resource List,
listed at the end of this page. They list all sorts of web pages
devoted to that
Current Price Lists
Current Magic List ()
Search Engine
Those who bother reading the News and Announcements section have had a
sneak preview for some time, and now I'm pleased to announce to the
general public: the search engine I've been wanting to put up for many
months now is finally open for business! Search
to your heart's content.
About My Price Lists
Due to popular demand, here are a couple of handy informational links
for you folks who just have to know how things work:
Other Magic Related Web Pages
I used to list other M:tG pages here, but I don't do that anymore.
There are people out there with far more skill and enthusiasm for
categorizing web sites than I have. So I have worked out an agreement
with one such site that does exclusively magic links. From now on you
can all go visit the
Organized Comprehensive Magic Resource List instead. If you ask
me to list your site, I won't; I'll just forward you on to them. So
skip the extra step and get yourself listed with them in the first
Previous Price Lists
After much, much to much delay, FTP access to previous pricelists is
once again available. Point your FTP client or web browser at
and download to your heart's content...