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Ablative of Source and Material.


The Ablative (usually with a preposition) is used to denote the Source from which anything is derived, or the Material of which it consists: -

1. Source: -

2. Material: -

NOTE 1: In poetry the preposition is often omitted.

NOTE 2: The Ablative of Material is a development of the Ablative of Source. For the Genitive of Material, see §344.

a. Participles denoting birth or origin are followed by the Ablative of Source, generally without a preposition: - [1][As nátus, satus, éditus, genitus, ortus, prógnátus, generátus, crétus, creátus, oriundus.]

NOTE 1: A preposition (ab, dé, éx) is usually expressed with pronouns, with the name of the mother, and often with that of other ancestors:

NOTE 2: Rarely, the place of birth is expressed by the ablative of source: as, désíderávit C. Flegínátem placentiá, A. Gránium Puteolís (B. C. iii. 71), he lost Cajus Fleginas of Plecentia, Aulus Granius of Puteoli.

NOTE 3: The Roman tribe is regularly expressed by the ablative alone: - Q. Verrem Rómiliá (Verr. i. 23), Quintus Verres of the Romilian tribe.

b. Some verbs may take the Ablative of Material without a preposition. Such are cónstáre, cónsistere, and continérí.[2][The ablative with cónsistere and continérí is probably locative in origin (cf. §431.)]

But with cónstáre, ex is more common: -

c. The Ablative of Material without a preposition is used with facere, fieri, and similar words, in the sense of do with, become of: -

d. The Ablative of Material with ex, and in poetry without preposition, sometimes depends directly on a noun: -

For Ablative of Source instead of Partitive Genitive, see §346. c.