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A phrase or short sentence has sometimes grown together into an adverb (cf. notwithstanding, nevertheless, besides): -

NOTE: Other examples are: - anteá, old antideá, before (ante eá, probably ablative or instrumental); ílicó (in locó), on the spot, immediately; prórsus, absolutely (próvorsus, straight ahead); rúrsus (re-vorsus), again; quotannís, yearly (quot annís, as many years as there are); quam-ob-rem, wherefore; cóminus, hand to hand (con manus); éminus, at long range (ex manus); nímírum, without doubt (ní mírum); ob-viam (as in íre obviam, to go to meet); prídem (cf. prae and -dem in i-dem), for some time; forsan (fors an), perhaps (it's a chance whether); forsitan (fors sit an), perhaps (it would be a chance whether); scílicet (scí, licet), that is to say (know, you may; cf. í-licet, you may go); áctútum (áctú, on the act, and tum, then).