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Fació, facere, fécí, factum, make, is regular. But it has imperative fac in the active, and, besides the regular forms, the future perfect faxó, perfect subjunctive faxim. The passive of fació is -

The present system of fió is regular of the fourth conjugation, but the subjunctive imperfect is fierem, and the infinitive fierí.

NOTE: The forms in brackets are not used in good prose.

PRESENT fíó, fís, fit fíam, fíás, fíat
[fímus], [fítis], fíunt fíámus, fíátis, fíant
IMPERFECT fíébam, fíébás, etc. fierem, fierés, etc.
FUTURE fíam, fíés, etc. PERFECT
PLUPERFECT factus eram factus essem
[fí, fíte, fító, - - ][1][The imperative is rarely found, and then only in early writers]
PRESENT fierí PERFECT factus esse FUTURE factum írí


a. Most compounds of fació with prepositions weaken a to i in the present stem and to e in the supine stem, and are inflected regularly like verbs in -ió: -


  • cónfició, cónficere, cónfécí, cónfectum, finish.


  • cónficior, cónficí, cónfectus.


b. Other compounds retain a, and have -fió in the passive: as, benefació, -facere, -fécí, -factum; passive benefió, -fierí, -factus, benefit. These retain the accent of the simple verb: as, bene-facis (§ 12. a, Exc.).

c. A few isolated forms of fío occur in other compounds: -


  • cónfit, it happens, cónfíunt; cónfíat; cónfieret, cónfierent; cónfierí.


  • défit, it lacks, défíunt; défíet; défíat; défierí.


  • effierí, to be effected.


  • ínfíó, begin (to speak), ínfit.


  • interfíat, let him perish; interfíerí, to perish.


  • superfit, it remains over; superfiat, superfierí.