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Other Numerals.


The following adjectives are called Multiplicatives: -

a. Proportionals are: duplus, triplus, quadruplus, octuplus, etc., twice great, thrice as great, etc.

b. Temporals: bímus, trímus, of two or three years' age; biennis, trien[QUERY] lasting two or three years; biméstris, triméstris, of two or three months; du[QUERY] a period of two days; biennium, a period of two years.

c. Partitives: bínárius, ternárius, of two or three parts.

d. Other derivatives are: únió, unity ; bínió, the two (of dice); prímá[QUERY] of the first legion; prímárius, of the first rank; dénárius, a sum of 10 as[QUERY] bínus (distributive), double, etc.