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The following nine adjectives with their compounds [QUERY] the Genitive Singular in -íus and the Dative in in all gender.

alius (N. aliud), other. tótus, whole. alter, -teríus, the other.
núllus, no, none. úllus, any. neuter, -tríus, neither.
sólus, alone. únus, one. uter, -tríus, which (of two)

Of these the singular is thus declined: -

M. F. N. M. F. N.
NOM. únus úna únum uter utra utrum
GEN. úníus úníus úníus utríus utríus utríus
DAT. úní úní úní utrí utrí utrí
ACC. únum únam únum utrum utram utrum
ABL. únó úná únó utró utrá utró


alius alia aliud alter altera alter[QUERY]
GEN. alíus alíus alíus alteríus alteríus alteríus
DAT. alií alií alií alterí alterí alterí
ACC. alium aliam aliud alterum alteram alter[QUERY]
ABL. alió aliá alió alteró alterá alter[QUERY]
a. The plural of these words is regular, like that of bonus (§ 110).

b. The genitive in -íus, dative in , and neuter in -d are pronominal in origin (cf. illíus, illí, illud, and § 146).

c. The i of the genitive ending -íus, though originally long, may be made short in verse; so often in alterius and regularly in utriusque.

d. Instead of alíus, alteríus is commonly used, or in the possessive sense the adjective aliénus, belonging to another, another's.

e. In compounds - as alteruter - sometimes both parts are declined, sometimes only the latter. Thus, alterí utrí or alterutrí, to one of the two.

NOTE: The regular genitive and dative forms (as in bonus) are sometimes found in some of these words: as, genitive and dative feminine, aliae; dative masculine, alió. Rare forms are alis and alid (for alius, aliud).