Photos and Events

Stop laughing at yourself and act

This picture is more representative of how I have been feeling lately. I got a plan, I am fixing things, but I need to stop laughing long enough to act. Life is weird.

This picture is from a climbing trip a few years ago. I lead a single pitch climb as a quick warm-up for the day and Grant cleaned. Rather than rapping off there was a permanent ladder set up. Grant and I got down, and then realized both of us had through the other one had the rope.  This is especially funny as Grant and I had climbed together a lot and are normally in sync.

Once Jesse stopped laughing, and that took a while, he took pity on us and showed us the fast way to get the rope back. Jesse asked for my cordelette and grabbed a stick. He couldn’t quite snag the rope – so he showed us this really cool trick turning our gear picks into a sort of make shift grappling hook. Very cool.

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