Projects Woodworking

Idea for an easily movable couch

I have started interviewing for gigs outside of Seattle ā€“ and that has me thinking about furniture and moving. Well the Seattle Bouldering Project has some awesome ā€“ but comfortable – collapsible chairs. I am thinking they would be easy to make, easy to move, and a decent way to store crash pads the 99.9% of the time when you are not climbing.


This picture shows how the pieces of the chairs slot together (and Tyler tying his shoes). Iā€™d probably add some reinforcement to the sides of the slots, but with a high quality plywood they should be really strong.

I am thinking I could sew up a cover for when they are acting as couch cushions. That would give me something easy to wash, and help a bit as the crash pads get used I am not dragging dirt or chalk dust back into the house.


More I think about it the more I am really liking this idea.

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